Consultant Spotlight – Douglas Adam

Douglas has been a part of the Livingston James Group since 2014 when he joined to establish Livingston James’ Public and Not for Profit service offering.  Douglas has over 20 years’ experience in the recruitment industry, specialising initially in senior finance appointments and then executive search all within the Public and Not for Profit sectors.


“One of the first conversations I had with Jamie Livingston before I joined the Group centred on the core values of the organisation.  This values-led approach, coupled with the importance of becoming a trusted advisor to our clients, really complimented my own approach to recruitment, and I was excited to be able to build a part of the business that would encompass these values.

“Within other, larger organisations, my desire to focus on the problem the client needed us to fix rather than imposing a ‘one size fits all’ solution was often seen as a controversial approach.  At Livingston James however, this was, and is, actively encouraged.  By spending time listening to our clients and understanding their issues, we are much more effective when it comes to presenting the right solution.

“The three values that really stand out to me are ‘Always do the right thing’, ‘Be famous for excellence’, and ‘Together we achieve more’.  Keeping these front of mind when dealing with clients, candidates, or colleagues helps to ensure a good outcome for all involved.

“I find working with the Public and Not for Profit sectors really rewarding.  So many of the roles we recruit in this area will make a real difference to a lot of people who need it, whether it be the Chief Executive for Who Cares? Scotland, the Principal of Glasgow Kelvin College, or the Chief Executive of the Care Commission, the social and community impact is always significant.

“By taking the time to build good relationships with our clients, and really understand the needs of their organisations we have developed a strong network across both sectors, with a range of our Public and Not for Profit clients asking us to also support their recruitment need out-with their executive recruitment needs.

“For me, success is when a client or candidate seeks out your opinion based on your knowledge and experience of the sector.  At Livingston James, we aren’t afraid to challenge or offer an opinion, even if it differs from what everyone else is saying.  That’s what sets us apart.”

To find out more about careers at Livingston James, or the wider Livingston James Group, visit our careers page or contact [email protected].

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